Telegram new updates
Telegram new updates

telegram new updates

The second feature Telegram talks about in its blog post is called Auto-Delete All Chats. The platform has partnered with Fragment, which helps users create “blockchain-powered anonymous numbers” to allow those without a phone number can also sign up on the Telegram app. Now, users can sign up on Telegram without a SIM card. The December Telegram update has nine new features, starting with no-SIM sign-ups. Related: How To Create Polls & Quizzes On Telegram

telegram new updates

A Telegram Premium subscription cost $4.99. The app has also released verification badges, only available to paid users. Features in the subscription include faster downloads, a maximum upload size of 4GB, voice-to-text, unique stickers, reactions, the ability to join up to a thousand groups and channels, the option to pin up to ten chats, a dedicated chat management section, and more. In June 2022, the platform released its first-ever paid version, Telegram Premium, which provides exclusive features to subscribers.

Telegram new updates